Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Can't Help But Wait.

I've never had someone to tell me that ii was special. Someone who cared about my feelings so much that they wanted things to be just right. The right pace. Just so not one of my feelings would get hurt again. Someone who makes me look from the inside out because it's just as beautiful as what I'm seeing in front of me. A person that takes each day as a second chance to make it better than what preceded it. I know that God won't always give me who ii want, when ii want them. But ii do know that he is going to give me exactly what ii deserve...and that's an angel. Patience my dear. iHe says to me....ii know he is holding out on giving me this person because he wants to make sure i've found myself and my personal strength first. Cause when he places this person in front of me. I need to be able to appreciate it in all that it is...a blessing. Until then....all ii can do is wait.

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