So I'm going to TRY to make this my last blog about him. Cause I feel as if the longer that I am stuck in the past, the less happy I'm going to be in the future. Yet, presently I have a lot of unanswered questions. I was watching MTV's True Life. A couple met in college, and after college the guy went to Indianapolis and the girl went to Virgina. They had a 4 year long, long distance relationship and the 4th year, they got married. THE END. Last year around this time I felt like love could travel...and it had no constraints, but he constrained it. He gave up because it became too hard. Yet the most difficult challenges often always turn into an amazingly beautiful ending. This year, I still feel that MY love has traveled halfway...if only he would meet me right there. Rather sooner than later. Idk how many people have fell in love, saw the meaning of happiness shine through a person, and then have all that taken away in a matter of seconds and miles. Im laughing right now...because ii know God works miracles...&& ii know if God miraculously brought me and him together again..::sigh::. just wait til you see my smile.