I haven't realized a lot, but I've realized enough to say that life truely is what we make it. I feel like most times we choose to make it hard. We're selfish, jealous, manipulative, deceiving, pessimistic, greedy, and petty. We often take more than we give. Often talk more than we listen. && complain more than we appreciate. I feel like we've gotten accustomed to the art of expectation. We expect that in life we are suppose to be happy at least 98% of the time. Expecting our mothers to be mothers and our fathers to stick around , yet we all know they don't always stick to their definitions. && still we expect to be loved instead of hated. But often those chances are slim to none. And just when we feel like our life is falling apart, we give up. We give up because we're broke, we give up because we've made mistakes, we give up because we're loving them, and no one is loving us. And ii say 'WE' because, i'm guilty of it now more than ever. But if we just woke up and took the time out to look around. && ii mean REALLY look around. Ask yourself these questions. Am I alive? Cause their dead. Did I have a place to sleep? Cause he's cold. Can I hear? Cause he can't. Can I see? Cause she's blind. Has someone ever told me that they loved me? Cause they never heard it. Have I ever had to the pleasure to say it back? Cause she didn't know how. If today was my last day on Earth, would I have affected at least one person's life in a positive way? Hope so. Now ask yourself one last question. Am I happy? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions...then you should be. Happy, that is.