So there's this guy. He's not THE guy. But here he is. Not knowing that just a moment ago, I had given up on love. Deep down inside of me, I feel like I've already found the one for me. I left my heart with him a year ago. But since I don't have his in return, I suppose its okaay for me to move on. Yet, I've tried. && I kept running in to the Mr. Feels So Right But In The End Your Are Still So Wrong- type of guys. But lets not dread on the past today. Sooooooo this new guy. He seems real cool. His sarcasm matches mine. I dig his style. He calls me 'ma' (blush). Ahh I'm such a geek && he's my n.e.r.d. Who cares who approves cause so far he has done nothing but make me smile. The thing is, I find that I cant quite be myself with him. And its not because I can't. Its because I just dont want to be. The thing I always tell my friends is...never to be guarded because you might miss out on someone special. Don't get me wrong, I am a very open person, but my little heart cannot take anymore heartache. I don't know if Im only making excuses because he's not h i m. No one ever will be. && it hurts me because its only holding me back. It's like i'm choosing between M a r s vs. V e n u s. him and he. When in the end, there is no comparison. Exhale.Let's see how far HE goes.
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